Coaches & Course Creators:

Coaches & Course Creators Who Are Wanting to SCALE:

More Sales & Better Clients with Less Effort!

Ever wonder why it feels like so much WORK to get new clients? 

Wish there was a better and easier way that doesn't involve months of content creation and the social media rabbit hole?  


 You know your program is amazing...but you're not seeing results!

You have a vision and a dream for your

  • Online Courses
  • Coaching Programs
  • Or Memberships

But, very quickly you realize that selling your programs successfully takes more than a website and a sales page.

All too soon, overwhelm and discouragement set in. 

You KNOW you have a great program, but...

  • Why is no one buying it? 
  • Or if you are selling some, why aren't you selling more to hit your desired income levels?
  • Expenses for your platform and other tools keep coming in.
  • You may even be close to throwing in the towel... giving up on all the work you've already invested.
  • You still have hope, you also realize that you may be missing something.

Discover What Your Program is MISSING...

If only you could “crack the code” on what so many other online entrepreneurs who are so successful seem to already know. 


 What if you could make just a few strategic shifts that unlocks the gates to your success?


 How would it feel to wake up in the morning, check your email, and realize that you made money while you slept


 How would your life be different if your social media channels and email list doubled, tripled, and kept growing?


 Imagine what your life would look like when your business is firing on all cylinders!

testimonial 1

"Before working with Rebecca we were so confused about what we were doing wrong in our business.  We knew we had a good program, yet the whole process of creating the funnel, setting up lead magnets, and creating our course was simply overwhelming.  Rebecca is very confident with her knowledge of running an online business. We're so glad to have her as our coach!"

C. Massey - Oklahoma


Introducing Conversion Code™ Coaching Series

Transform your Approach to Engage Your Audience & Increase Sales

Introducing Conversion Code™

Transform your Funnels, Business, & Website to Engage Your Audience & Increase Sales

What is driving YOUR business? 

When you join Conversion Code, you'll unlock core strategies
that every online business needs to truly see massive results.

In addition to weekly coaching sessions, catapult your results
with supplemental training videos, templates, and action items that
simplify your success, such as: 


Mindset strategies for higher conversions

Discover the "Path to Profit Map".

This foundational process will reshape how you approach your business, setting the stage for opportunities and growth.

Gain clarity on EXACTLY what your business needs, what you may be missing, and what steps you need to take NOW.

Funnel strategies for higher conversions

Decode the Sales Conversion Formula - Unlock the secrets of a compelling sales page and an effective funnel structure

We take the guesswork out of how to build a high-converting sales page.  Unlock the sales page formula and the WHY behind each element so you can craft your own sales pages with ease.

What is driving YOUR business? 

When you join Conversion Code, you'll unlock the 5 Essential "Gears" (and 4 Bonus Gears)
that every online business needs to truly see massive results.

Foundations (Clarity & Vision) - Transform your business perspective.

This foundational gear will reshape how you approach your business, setting the stage for opportunities and growth.

Unlock areas that might be holding you back including limiting beliefs and old habits. 

Discover a new approach to goal setting that encourages better outcomes (hint:  it's not SMART goals)

Your Offer- Dive into key strategies that revolutionize how you present your offerings to your prospects.

Discover why this ONE THING, when done well, could make all the difference in your sales results.

Often overlooked, this foundational step sets the tone for almost everything else you do in your business.

Sales Funnels - Decode the secrets of a compelling sales page and an effective funnel structure

We take the guesswork out of how to build a high-converting sales page.  Unlock the sales page formula and the WHY behind each element so you can craft your own sales pages with ease.

Lead Generation strategies for higher conversions

Our Unique Approach to Lead Generation - The 5 "I's" to Lead Magnet Magic

Turn your lead generation into your most powerful sales force!

Sure, you know you need to give stuff away for free to build your list.  But do you know how to turn your lead magnets into the most powerful part of the sales journey, converting your prospects BEFORE they reach the sales page?

Marketing strategies for higher conversions

Marketing Demystified - Finally understand exactly what you need to do to reach and convert quality clients.

Gain insights into the "what" and the “why” behind marketing options, so you can get the best results regardless of your budget.

Lead Generation - Turn your lead generation into your most powerful sales force!

Sure, you know you need to give stuff away for free to build your list.  But do you know how to turn your lead magnets into the most powerful part of the sales journey, converting your prospects BEFORE they reach the sales page?

Marketing - Finally understand exactly what you need to do to make more sales.

Gain insights into the "what" and the “why” behind marketing options, so you can get the best results regardless of your budget.

Onboarding - Establish better practices that nurture new members when they buy and why.

Discover our proven strategies that elevate the new member experience so they will be MORE engaged, more likely to buy again, and happy to refer their friends.

Website strategies for higher conversions

BONUS: Your Website - Build your website based on core strategies, not just design.

Our members often find their website as the most challenging part of creating an online business.  Is that you?  We take the guesswork out of the terminology and best practices so your website becomes a conversion-driving tool.

Business strategies for higher conversions

BONUS: Business Strategy - Become the Master of Your Vision

Discover the secrets to managing your time, project management, financial mastery, legalities, and more - truly running your online business like a well-oiled machine.


Your Products/Services - Discover why this gear is Gear 7 and not Gear 1.

Discover best practices when developing your online programs and how to best serve your audience in a way that brings them back for more.

Your Website - Build your website based on core strategies, not just design.

Our members often find their website as the most challenging part of creating an online business.  Is that you?  We take the guesswork out of the terminology and best practices so your website becomes a conversion-driving tool.

Your Business - Become the CEO of your online business.

This gear equips you with project management, financial mastery, legalities, and more - truly running your online business like a well-oiled machine.


You want MORE sales, right?...

The reality is, that many online entrepreneurs are going about their business in a way that's actually HURTING their sales!  Could that be you?  Here are a few of the top mistakes (although there's more) that we see:

Mistake #1:  Building the Product First

Here's the deal, Lucille.  If you're trying to build an online business off of an idea you had, and then created a product to go with that idea, you're most likely missing about half the equation!  Sure, you want to have the product idea in mind, but if you started with your product FIRST, you are missing some key strategies that drive sales.

Mistake #2:  Missing or Ineffective Lead Generation Tools

This one is also a biggy.  I see this more often than not, and fixing this ONE THING can often start seeing massive results very quickly.  Why?  Because your free stuff sets the stage for the entire relationship that follows as well as setting the foundation for the sale. 

Mistake #3:  Poor or Missing Sales Page Copy

Chances are, if you're not seeing good conversions, then your sales funnel needs some work.  You work hard on your marketing to get people to your sales page, but if you're not including key information that connects with your audience quickly, then you're losing them...and leaving money on the table.  

Mistake #4:  Confusing or Ineffective Websites

Is your website making it SUPER EASY for your prospects to find the answers they seek and BUY from you?  Or does your website confuse your audience, give them too many options to click on, contain pages that don't go anywhere, or not give them clear calls to action in a way that MAKES SENSE to them?  Do you have a blog, and if so, is your blog an extension of your sales process, driving them to WANT to buy?

Mistake #5:  Selling Your Course or Coaching

Honestly, the MOST COMMON mistake I see that is pretty much a kiss of death these days is selling your course, program, coaching, or membership.  The truth?  NO ONE wants another course.  What they really want are solutions!  Does your sales messaging revolve around you and your program?  If you are, that could be the biggest hurdle to your success.

Yikes! I'm making these mistakes and want to fix them!
Yikes! I'm making these mistakes and want to fix them!

See What's Waiting for You Inside

Once You Become a Member...

Growth Coaching Conversion Code


Not just another online course!  You won't be left to figure it out alone!  Join our group coaching sessions.

Weekly access to group coaching sessions so you can grow your business with support.

Gathering Community Conversion Code


Enhance your learning and gain support from our coaches and your peers through our interactive community.

THE place to go to get all your questions answered!

Guidance Curriculum Conversion Code


Gain insights and action items on the "what" and the "why" of your entire sales process!

Carefully designed to ENHANCE the coaching for faster results, better clarity, and more success.



Get started for as low as:


6-Month Access

  • Transform your funnel to engage your audience and increase sales with proven strategies!
  • Catapult your learning AND your results with live coaching support!  You don't have to figure it out on your own.  Meet with our coaches in an interactive group setting to get your questions answered.
    (4 sessions per month!  $1500 monthly value)
  • Not just another online course!  Seamlessly combines logical and simple concepts in self-guided videos with clear action steps with coaching support. Glean context and direction that you can quickly apply in YOUR business!
  • PLUS, gain feedback in our supportive community to connect with your peers with bonus challenges, accountability, and special interviews.

 Click here and get 2 months free with our annual plan.


Add 1:1 Coaching


+ Exclusive Bonuses

Many of you say you prefer some 1:1 support and guidance to help you grow faster.  You asked, and we listened!  Use this option to add 1:1 coaching to your learning experience!

  • Get deep-dive insights and fast-track your implementation with 10 (ten) 1:1 one-hour recorded coaching sessions you can use as needed (normally $500/session)!
  • In addition to your 1:1 sessions, meet with our coaches in an interactive weekly group setting to enhance your experience. (4 sessions per month!  $1500 value)
  • Access special bonus interviews and content exclusive to our premium members.
  • Detailed supplemental curriculum that guides you through the core "gears" of YOUR business so you can fill in the gaps and improve your conversions.
    (Work at your own pace.)
  • Gain quick feedback in our supportive community to connect with your peers with bonus challenges, accountability, and bonus interviews.


testimonial 2

"Working with Conversion Code has given us so much more confidence and helped so much with our digital marketing efforts. Rebecca is a high-value expert on all aspects of your online business, and we were blown away by how simple it was to grasp what we needed to do differently to start getting more sales. We started seeing results after just the first lesson!"

Patrick S. - Florida 




6 monthly installments

  • Detailed training that guides you through the core "gears" of YOUR business so you can fill in the gaps and improve your conversions.
    (6 month access)
  • You don't have to figure it out on your own.  Meet with our coaches in an interactive group setting to get your questions answered.
    (Bi-weekly sessions)
  • Gain quick feedback in our supportive community to connect with your peers.


Pay in Full and SAVE

  • Detailed training that guides you through the core "gears" of YOUR business so you can fill in the gaps and improve your conversions.
    (6 month access)
  • You don't have to figure it out on your own.  Meet with our coaches in an interactive group setting to get your questions answered.
    (Bi-weekly sessions)
  • Gain quick feedback in our supportive community to connect with your peers.
  • SAVE 20% when you pay in full today

"Working with Conversion Code has given us so much more confidence and helped so much with our digital marketing efforts. Rebecca is a high-value expert on all aspects of your online business, and we were blown away by how simple it was to grasp what we needed to do differently to start getting more sales. We started seeing results after just the first lesson!"

Patrick S. - Florida


When you enroll today you'll also get 

these additional amazing BONUS gifts:


look good on camera bonus

How to look great on camera mini workshop

Want your videos to look more professional without having to shell out thousands on equipment or editing?  We've got you!  When you enroll today, you get instant access to top tips from Pro Video Academy founder, Adrian Salisbury!


AI training bonus

Leveraging AI in your business

These days, AI is the new buzz topic in almost every industry.  Love it or hate it, there's no question the power of leveraging AI technology in the knowledge commerce industry.  But, AI is only as good as the person using it!  Inside these bonus lessons, we share our top secrets on how to best communicate with AI to save time, connect with your audience, and create better content.


project management bonus

Get organized with our Project Management Blueprints

One of the most common complaints we hear from our members is that they simply don't have time to get everything done that is needed.  And, it's no wonder when as an entrepreneur, you're wearing so many hats!  After over a decade in this industry, I'll share my Project Management templates (both Trello AND Asana) so you can get more organized and get more done!

Guarantee Seal

The No-Nonsense Guarantee

That Gets Your Spouse Off Your Back!

The fact that you're reading this section means you already know your program needs a little strategic help...but perhaps you still have a bit of doubt or hesitation.  After all, I've BEEN there.  I know how scary it can be to invest, not knowing the outcomes.  You might be saying, "This sounds great, but will it work for ME?"

Well...I can answer that confidently... Try it!  If you follow the processes and give it your best effort, but it doesn't work, we'll give you your money back!

See why our Strategy Coaching Clients say,

"This program is worth well over $10,000!"


When you enroll in Conversion Code, you're gaining access to over a decade of
experience in knowledge commerce, strategic thinking, and consumer psychology.

See why our Coaching Clients say,

"This program is worth well over $10,000!"


When you enroll in Conversion Code, you're gaining access to over a decade of
knowledge commerce experience, strategic thinking, and consumer psychology.

I remember clearly when I first got started in this industry and how overwhelmed I was!

All too often I would cry to my husband in desperation, wondering what I was doing wrong!  I THOUGHT I was doing things right...

I had a website...

I had a blog...

I had lead magnets, what I thought was a great sales page, and an amazing product...

I spent thousands of dollars on training, marketing, designers, and VAs.

I have a Master in Business degree with an emphasis in marketing, for crying out loud!

Yet...I barely made enough sales to cover my expenses (sometimes not even that much).

But what I finally learned was that I was going about the whole process wrong.  Sure, I had the things everyone said I needed, but... what I finally discovered that I was missing was the WHY and the STRATEGIES behind each element.

Fast-forward to today and we now run a multi-6-figure business and support clients all over the world.  The core concepts and strategies that took me YEARS to develop (the hard way) through trial and error are now available to you with just a few clicks. 

Over the years, I've come to realize that my true superpower is taking complex concepts like sales funnels, websites, and marketing, and break them down into simple, easy to understand strategies that can be implemented quickly.

Inside Conversion Code™ you're about to discover what was previously only available to my Strategy Coaching Clients...all for a fraction of the investment! 

I'm ready to get started!

See why our Coaching Clients say,

"This program is worth well over $10,000!"


When you enroll in Conversion Code, you're gaining access to over a decade of
knowledge commerce experience, strategic thinking, and consumer psychology.

See why our Coaching Clients say,

"This program is worth well over $10,000!"


When you enroll in Conversion Code, you're gaining access to over a decade of
knowledge commerce experience, strategic thinking, and consumer psychology.

I remember clearly when I first got started in this industry and how overwhelmed I was!

All too often I would cry to my husband in desperation, wondering what I was doing wrong!  I THOUGHT I was doing things right...

I had a website...

I had a blog...

I had lead magnets, what I thought was a great sales page, and an amazing product...

I spent thousands of dollars on training, marketing, designers, and VAs.

I have a Master in Business degree with an emphasis in marketing, for crying out loud!

Yet...I barely made enough sales to cover my expenses (sometimes not even that much).

But what I finally learned was that I was going about the whole process wrong.  Sure, I had the things everyone said I needed, but... what I finally discovered that I was missing was the WHY and the STRATEGIES behind each element.

Fast-forward to today and we now run a multi-6-figure business and support clients all over the world.  The core concepts and strategies that took me YEARS to develop (the hard way) through trial and error are now available to you with just a few clicks. 

Over the years, I've come to realize that my true superpower is taking complex concepts like sales funnels, websites, and marketing, and break them down into simple, easy to understand strategies that can be implemented quickly.

Inside Conversion Code™ you're about to discover what was previously only available to my Strategy Coaching Clients...all for a fraction of the investment! 

I'm ready to get started!

Did we miss any details? 

Here are your most popular questions, ANSWERED!


Ok, Let's Recap the Deets!

When you join Conversion Code, you'll receive instant access to everything you need to tranform your sales funnels, business, and website to engage your audience and increase sales. Including...

  WEEKLY group coaching calls for deep dive support and guidance.

  Option to add 1:1 Coaching for deeper support or some done-for-you services at a special member discount.

 Our comprehensive video training series breaks down the core aspects of your online business into simple strategies and action items you can quickly implement to start seeing better results!

 Our proven Lead Generation formula that builds a natural desire for your offers, builds engagement and drives the sale.

 The core "elements"  every high-converting sales page should have, and how you can improve YOUR sales pages for more purchases.

 Onboarding strategies that increase engagement and foster repeat business.

 Secrets to crafting a winning marketing plan that drives more traffic to your offers.

 Along with lessons on business management, mindset, compliance, and so much more!

testimonial 3

"I didn't realize before this program how every piece is just as important as the others.  After mapping out the client journey, I had so much more clarity on what I needed to do to make key improvements.  Doing the exercises  made such a difference in seeing the full picture and ensured we didn't miss anything in the process."

H. Hanning - Canada

What have you got to lose?

  • How much have you invested in your program already, only to be disappointed by your sales and results? 
  • How much is it costing you to continue on your current path if nothing changes?  
  • What will your business look like in 90 days if you do nothing… or…
  • What impact could you be making if you take the next 90 days after you focus on filling the gaps in your business that are holding you back?

Access this powerful and transformative program and start seeing results in as little as the first week!


Ok, Let's Recap the Deets!

When you join Conversion Code, you'll receive instant access to everything you need to tranform your sales funnels, business, and website to engage your audience and increase sales. Including...

 Our deep dive video training series breaks down the core aspects of your online business into simple strategies and action items you can quickly implement to start seeing better results!

 Our proven Lead Generation formula that builds a natural desire for your offers, builds engagement and drives the sale.

 The core "elements"  every high-converting sales page has and how you can improve your sales pages for more purchases.

 Onboarding strategies that increase engagement and foster repeat business.

Secrets to crafting a winning marketing plan that drives more traffic to your offers.

 Along with lessons on business management, mindset, compliance, and so much more!

"I didn't realize before this program how every piece is just as important as the others.  After mapping out the client journey, I had so much more clarity on what I needed to do to make key improvements.  Doing the exercises  made such a difference in seeing the full picture and ensured we didn't miss anything in the process."

H. Hanning - Canada

What have you got to lose?

  • How much have you invested in your program already, only to be disappointed by your sales and results? 
  • How much is it costing you to continue on your current path if nothing changes?  
  • What will your business look like in 90 days if you do nothing… or…
  • What impact could you be making if you take the next 90 days after you focus on filling the gaps in your business that are holding you back?

Access this powerful and transformative program and start seeing results in as little as the first week!


Where will your business be in the next few months? 

What will happen to your future success if you keep going on your current path?  How much time could you waste trying to figure out what areas of your website, funnel, and marketing you need to change, if you continue on your own?

Finally gain confidence in your future success, improve your profits, and experience better engagement by implementing the correct strategies you’ll discover inside.  

Schedule a Complimentary Coaching Session

Disclaimer:  Yes, this industry is one where the sky is the limit and there is no ceiling on what you can make, however there is no guarantee that you will earn any money using the techniques and ideas in these materials.  Under no circumstance should any statement, example, or other material be interpreted as a promise or guarantee of earnings.  The earnings potential is entirely dependent on the person using our programs, products, ideas, and techniques and is subjective to each individual implementation, market, audience, price point, and an infinite number of factors.  We do not purport any of our products to be a "get-rich scheme".

Your level of success in attaining results from our materials depends on the time you devote to our programs, ideas, finances, knowledge, various skills, and implementation.  We cannot guarantee any success or income level, nor are we responsible for any of your actions.